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Whistleblower system

The Klüh Service Management GmbH whistleblower system

The whistleblower system is part of the compliance culture at Klüh Service Management GmbH (hereinafter referred to as Klüh). Generally speaking, compliance means more than the company just acting in accordance with the law.

At Klüh, compliance is about doing the right thing. Our objective is to operate in accordance with ethical principles as well as to comply with all rules and regulations.

We have started to build risk-based compliance management systems aligned with the business activities of each of our divisions. We are convinced that compliance safeguards what is most important to us: the well-being of our employees and of the clients to whom we provide services.

Compliance is anchored in our corporate culture and guides us in our day-to-day work. Integrity, responsibility and reliability are at the core of our understanding of compliance. It also includes proper and lawful conduct, which is a top priority for Klüh.

Moreover, our corporate success is based on integrity and legal compliance. In order to achieve this aspiration, it is important that we identify and remedy any potential misconduct at an early stage. Against this backdrop, we have established our whistleblower system. This helps to identify and investigate any operational concerns, conduct that could harm the company or economic crime and protect our employees, business partners and clients.

We take all reports you make seriously and process them systematically. One cornerstone of Klüh’s whistleblower system is the principle of fair process. We also guarantee maximum protection for whistleblowers, the subjects of reports and all employees involved in processing reports. We will not tolerate any pressure on whistleblowers and the people who contribute to promoting proper conduct at Klüh.

The subjects of reports are presumed to be innocent until any breach of compliance is proven. Investigations shall be conducted in the strictest confidence. The information received will be used in a fast, fair and confidential process.

Do you have a concern or feedback about a service provided by Klüh?

If you have any questions, feedback or complaints about one of Klüh’s services, please send these to Customer Support at

The whistleblower system is not intended for accepting and processing customer concerns and, in particular, will not forward these within our organisation. Customer Support will be pleased to review your concern and take any measures necessary to ensure your satisfaction.  

Do you want to report a breach of data protection regulations?

If you want to report a breach of data protection regulations, please send an e-mail to


The Klüh Compliance Team is responsible for the content of this page. It can also be contacted at



12th July 2024