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QUALITY standards

Customer satisfaction, safety and sustainability


We operate various management systems to ensure that our services meet high standards of quality, occupational safety and environmental protection.

To ensure maximum customer satisfaction, safety and sustainability, our extensive management systems are subject to regular internal and external audits. All Klüh’s divisions and branches have implemented the management systems and operate conscientiously in compliance with these standards.

The high degree of responsibility displayed by Klüh is reflected in our quality and environmental management.


EN ISO 9001
EN ISO 14001
EN ISO 45001
EN ISO 50001
SCC Regulations
DIN 77200-1
EN ISO 13549
CO2 Emissions
GMS certificate
ISO 37301

The divisions are certified to DIN EN ISO 9001 (quality management system), DIN EN ISO 14001 (environmental management system), DIN EN ISO 50001 (energy management system) and DIN EN ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management system).

Through its management system for occupational safety, health and environmental protection in accordance with SCC regulations, Klüh ensures the safety of its employees and the environment. The Security Division is additionally certified to DIN 77200-1:2017.  

As a quality service provider, Klüh Security was one of the first companies in the industry to obtain this certification. The division also operates an intervention unit recognised by VdS, Germany’s prestigious security institution.

Our innovative DigiClean® quality management tool is certified to DIN EN ISO 13549 (Cleaning services – Basic requirements and recommendations for quality measuring systems); by using climate-neutral rubbish bags, Klüh is actively reducing CO2 emissions.

Klüh Service Management GmbH was also one of the first companies to receive an ISO 37301 certificate for its compliance management system. In January 2024, Klüh also received the GMS certificate ("Systematic Health" in accordance with the VBG guidelines for occupational health management).

Our mission

Corporate responsibility, value-based business practices and the consistent high quality of our services are important to us. In order to sustain this approach every day, we set ourselves high standards that go beyond what is required by law. For Klüh, regular internal and external audits are essential to ensuring transparency. Below please find our operating and management principles and various reports about the sustainable quality management of our services.

Management PrinciplesDownload PDF
Code of Conduct | KlühDownload PDF
Quality PolicyDownload PDF
Ethics PolicyDownload PDF
Occupational Health and Safety PolicyDownload PDF
Environmental and Energy PolicyDownload PDF
Purchasing terms and conditionsDownload PDF
Code of Conduct | SupplierDownload PDF



Our reports

CSR Sustainability and Energy Report 2022 according EN ISO 50001 (Extract, German Language only)Download PDF
Social Report (Extract, German language only)Download PDF
Management Review (Extract, German language only)Download PDF
UN Global Compact (German language only)Download PDF
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (German language only)Download PDF



Our Memberships

We are a member of ISSA – The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association and hold one of the ten seats on the body’s Innovation & Education Committee. With 9,300 members, ISSA is the leading international trade association for the cleaning industry. Our membership helps us to improve efficiency and acquire new knowledge, benefiting our clients around the world.

We are a member of GEFMA, the German Facility Management Association. Around 56% of the body’s 1,000-strong membership is made up of facility management customers; the remaining 44% are facility management service providers. GEFMA is an industry-leading and market-defining institution that sets standards, builds stronger networks and generates knowledge.

The Bundesverband der Sicherheitswirtschaft (BDSW) is the industry and employers’ association which represents the interests of the security industry in dealings with government and authorities, businesses and academia. With some 265,000 employees, the security industry makes an essential contribution to Germany’s domestic security.

The Bundesverband der Luftsicherheitsunternehmen (BDLS) is the organisation that currently represents 32 companies which focus on providing the comprehensive aviation and airport security services specified by Germany’s Aviation Security Act (Luftsicherheitsgesetz, LuftSiG) for aviation security authorities (section 5 LuftSiG), airport operators (section 8 LuftSiG) and airlines (sections 9 and 9a LuftSiG).

We support the European Chicken Commitment and implement the criteria it defines.In the context of this initiative, more than 30 European NGOs jointly developed minimum requirements for broiler chickens that address the most serious animal welfare issues.

The Institute of Culinary Art (ICA) is Germany’s primary catering industry network with 350 market-leading member companies and a strong partnership with 21 of the country’s main industry associations. It provides a diverse portfolio of networking, information, advisory and service offerings aimed at developing awareness of the value creation chain in the food service industry.

ProVeg International is a food awareness organization working to transform the global food system by replacing animal-based products with plant-based and cultured alternatives.

Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. Veganuary aims to make powerful strides toward a world where vegan is the norm rather than the exception.

Eaternity is the organization developing a solution for the food industry to measure exactly and efficiently the environmental footprint of food products. To enable smart decisions for the benefit of people, planet and profit.

Vytal is a non-deposit digital multiuse system that provides smart and high-quality multiuse packaging for take-out food and beverages. With a return rate of 99.3% and a return time of less than four days, Vytal is more efficient than Germany’s deposit system for bottles.

The Association of Service Providers at German Airports (Vereinigung der Dienstleister an Deutschen Flughäfen e. V.) brings together companies, individuals and institutions that either directly provide services of all kinds at airports in over 20 service sectors or whose activities contribute to the provision of services at airports.

As a committed company, we have joined the Düsseldorf Climate Pact with the business community, signed the climate agreement and want to make our contribution to ensuring that Düsseldorf is climate-neutral by 2035.